Just imagine covers the time when I saw a vision only to discover it was spirit guide ready to show himself to me in a mysterious way. While most of the world was affected but the death of John Lennon, I was surprised when I was looking at him one night…although writing with song lyrics is risky, song titles are fine and often the part we remember the most. Take a read and learn how I came across this very image. Enjoy.


Who loves a good clean or declutter? Why not do a bit one before the year is out, every year until you are only left with the items you need. Yes we do change and thats why it’s important to clean up before New Years Eve, every year. While some may be done in stages, others do at the last minute on the day. Whereas, I’ve not gone out for NYE since 2010…sounds crazy but it’s the truth. Only one occasion I attend an. event but I’ve never gone out or done anything on NYE for sure. Ask my friends! Find out why you need to clean up, it may be just what you need. Enjoy.


Walking home from work may be a dream for many, while I had the opportunity to do this even thought they were more than a hop skip and jump! What I love about being on foot is this the things you learn or see along the way. Meaning houses or streets that would have been overlooked just by being in the car. Walking gets you to mauny places indeed. Check out my post to learn what else I discovered about walking home from work. Enjoy.


Stop following others is sound advice to know that we need to break away from the ‘norm’ and make wise decisions based what is right. Not what were were told is right. May it be the voting panel has a different feel to what you grew up with or what your next door neighbour is doing? The tip is to tune into your heart and make decisions that fit. It’s a tough path to take when you go against the mainstream, but we are all here to help people make that shift. Even if it means to step away and stop following others that don’t amplify our need/desires any longer. Enjoy.


Would you ever have thought that the fairies know what you do? Simple things from reducing your weekly rubbish to how you integrate your daily life to help the planet may all be what you need to begin with. It’s vital NOW to start listening and observing what you are doing to the world. Fairies can help and make your life more rewarding when you do your bit. Take a read to find out where you can improve or be a leader in your area. Enjoy.


Do you believe in fairies or you think they are make believe for the children? In fact they are real and they a certainly very shy! Most of the time we need to raise our vibration to be able to see them. Here is my experience of my first sightings and a life changing moment of something I thought I would never happen. Take a read and find out if you may have seen them near you?


Texting your clutter is an important process to clear your mental clutter. Discarding those old messages will help you keep your wellbeing in tabs. Find out how these could be affecting your life today. Often we neglect the phone and all the text build up. Especially iPhone messages stopped coming in once too full.

Clear out regular and be mindful of what you keep. Take screen shots and then delete….


The night the Dr. Wayne Dyer changed my life. Magic happens in all kinds of ways, including dreams. While I was fortunate to see Wayne some time before this night, but who would have thought that closure was a form of appearing to me in my dream. Hence healing comes in many ways, we don't always have control over thing that takes place. While I’m personally a big believer in magic happens and this motto stuck with me from that moment. Seriously. Enjoy.