All tagged LET GO


Literally gave up coca-cola overnight is a true story. It did happen at the beginning of my healing journey although I was downing many bottles of coke leading up to this day. Hence the headaches, tummy aches and abdominal pains were frequent. In some cases coke was the only thing that would fix them. Giving up coke is one thing I will happily state that I don’t drink it. It just doesn’t call me like it used too. And because I’ve had a profound experience of giving up coke I know it can happen to other foods too. Just some keep coming back and forever taunting us! We need to keep working on ourselves to fix the inner problem and eventually the crazy cravings will disapear overnight, just like the coke. Take a Squizzy at the story behind me giving up coke overnight. It may happen to you someday. Enjoy.


There are many occasions when people leave a trail of broken promises. While you may not realise, many of these trait start from in the childhood, it certainly did for me as my parents promised to do this or that as a way to bluff you. Now we understand we need to make the change ourselves. Take a read and find out how it can simpliy be a trail of misbeliefs of broken promises…until you stop them. Enjoy.


Change is a funny thing right and 2020 is certainly flipped from a year of sailing great to total uncertainty. So this is a time to really look at what is important and move towards those goals. Even if it means tackling those long over due jobs at home or sorting out your computer so you have only your vital documents there and easy to find. Being stuck in fear will only prolong the whole process fro everyone. Truth. Enjoy.


New growth this year is exactly what we have. Although I wrote this blog at the beginning of the year before my bout of unwellness, its been a delay to get it published! We all need growth in our lives or we become stale, stagnant and very moody. Just like our hair when we are growing it, things can take time. The bud eventually burst on the trees and and sprout come spring and a whole new out look is in front of us. Our own personal growth is different to each person. This year mainly 2019 is all about the self. Thats why we feel the need to shed what no longer serves us. Regardless. See the lessons and move forward. Make the time to read how new growth may help you? Enjoy.


Have you ever wondered why some people are no longer needed in our life? Change is vital for growth. Once you being the path of healing, our friendship circles change too. In a good way. Learn to embrace the change as it can be hard at times. The best time to learn about people is when you are going through a difficult stage in your life and you don’t hear from the one who thought were your friends. Ironically many don’t like you to change because they not longer have control over you. Take a read and learn a few things. Enjoy.


A story of a woman's love for the man who taught her everything about love. And in life we need to be detached from possessions and thought patterns that harbour our well-being. Learning to understand everything we have is inside of us. If you are spiritual and would love to read a profound book, this it the one. Take a read and find out how the power of love and be the only way. Enjoy. 


Have you ever thought why you often get sick after tossing old belongings out? Decluttering can have a big impact on you if it’s new to you. Various emotions and things happen to our body as we shed what no longer serves us. In truth many unauthentic items get removed. It’s part of our healing journey to keep moving and replacing things with better use and energy. Take a read and see what you may have experience, if this is something you have been avoiding. Enjoy.


A glimpse of the thief is a situation that occurred two years after a major set back in life. Having first hand experiences from somebody taking your hard earn cash for their own gain comes with trouble down the road. Although we grow from these life changing events, it’s still not something that should be happening to anybody, as we are all human after all. Check out what happened! Enjoy.


Have you ever have a friend tell you the truth? In this case, I did. Thankfully I listened and realised what she was trying to help me. Many of us don't realise how our surrounding affect us. Maybe this is you reading it? We can only learn from experiences. Take a peak at this blog and learn what happened. Enjoy.


Last day of Grandmother teachings is a sacred day and I'm honouring my maternal grandmother because it's her birthday (even though she has passed). Teachings with the Turtle Woman allows you to heal yourself and bring in the healing tools to reconnect with the women in your life. By healing you, you are also healing your mother and ancestors...Enjoy.