All tagged GUIDANCE


Whonever walked into a book shop and physically felt someone with you? I had this experience with Hannah Kent’s first book called ‘Burial Rites.’ Then to the unexpected I actually met her a few years later. While meeting authors who have presence come through them is pretty rare. The main part of the journey is how I came about this book and I share that in this blog. Check it out. Enjoy.


Have you ever thought that the reality of the Neverending Story was written way before it time! Seriously, our who life is a neverending story… things come and go in life until we learn to fix the mirror within us and not the reflection. Then the momentum of the things you attract changes from struggling to thriving. Once that is done you begin a new never ending story of abundance! Find out why I resonated with this film. Enjoy.


Well, who loves packing? It’s fun when you are in the drivers seat, but often a move might be the last thing you think about. Especially during chaotic times during a world lock down! Packing a house with no plans is something that happened to me long ago, that I got the drift after that and learnt to keep my belongings to the bare minimum. Although that comes with time, practice and a lot of self work (especially once you’ve done Reiki), things get easier to move on. While it really doesn’t matter how you do things, many items you once cherished will mysteriously disappear. Check this post and find out if you are getting the same messages? Enjoy.


While I never hope you have to have a experience like the day I fled. Even though many humans still get off on having to blame others for their unhappiness. This day is a day of putting my own safety first, the sad about doing the work on ourselves as it brings out the ugliness in others. Until till the day they learn you had nothing to do with the situation. Find out how I managed to flee what could have been a move for the positive. Enjoy.


Going with the flow is something many people really haven’t mastered yet. Hopefully each day as more and more awaken that they come to an understanding that life really isn’t hard. Just getting in the zone can really make a difference. While other times, things can flow in areas that never did for example, like the time I moved in a middle of a pandemic. Trusting any process is the key to life. When things magically flow with no effect, that’s just where you need to be in that moment. Check out this post on going with the flow and find out if you are. Enjoy.


Over the years we find ourselves in situations where we want to crawl under the nearest log and HIDE! Unfortunately, we chose this path and often the one of MOST resistance. Once we understand that we need to face things inline head on, even if our insides churn. Especially sitting down at the computer is a difficult one for me on any day. So, regardless of your life’s purpose, keep working at it. That tomorrow may not arrive with the best intention or ‘stuff’ gets in the way and you find your self celebrating the new year without having done anything in the past year. Time is now, don’t let another day go by without facing those difficult jobs. Enjoy.


Often we don’t realise our life is mapped out long before. Meaning that we may go to a strange place only to find it’s a town we move there years later. From the moment I arrived in Melbourne, I was actually setting the foundations to things to come. From a visit to Melbourne with my laptop lead me to an important part of my years later and the area is still holds a tender place in my heart. New time you head down a unknown road, take note as it may play a big role in your role later! Check out my post in how I know that our life is mapped out. Enjoy.


Last day of Grandmother teachings is a sacred day and I'm honouring my maternal grandmother because it's her birthday (even though she has passed). Teachings with the Turtle Woman allows you to heal yourself and bring in the healing tools to reconnect with the women in your life. By healing you, you are also healing your mother and ancestors...Enjoy.


A story I wanted to share with Wayne Dyer. As this is something I cannot comprehend how it happened myself…While Dr. Wayne Dyer had a huge impact on many people and I was fortunate to see him on stage in Melbourne 2013 for a brief time as he had some health issues. While this movie has changed title to Ambition to meaning. Certainly a meaningful film if you haven’t seen it. Otherwise check out my experience. Enjoy.