Just imagine covers the time when I saw a vision only to discover it was spirit guide ready to show himself to me in a mysterious way. While most of the world was affected but the death of John Lennon, I was surprised when I was looking at him one night…although writing with song lyrics is risky, song titles are fine and often the part we remember the most. Take a read and learn how I came across this very image. Enjoy.


It’s all about the colours isn’t just about slapping food together. Believe it or not, food carries energy too. Once you are able to ‘see’ the energy in food, it’s hard for people to get. Since the night my world change when I had ‘The Shift’ life has never been the same. While I know it’s a gift, it’s help me make some great changes in my life and I hope you will one day experience this shift too. Take a read and learn how it’s all about the colours. Enjoy.


The poison arrows can be very painful when sent by jealous envious people! Sometimes they are by the people who care about you. Don’t be fooled by who you think it is. You maybe surprised! This post explains how a poison arrow happens and what you may expect, then tips on how to avoid them. Thankfully, mine did stop. The main thing is they can happen to anyone. Check it out and see for yourself. Enjoy.


Do you ever consider what the fairies might be like? Perhaps they are in your garden waiting to meet you? Fairies are SHY is the main reason many have not seen or felt them. The soft glowing light will emerge when the humans are appreciative and are happy to comply to helping this planet HEAL. Read on to find out more. Enjoy.


Texting your clutter is an important process to clear your mental clutter. Discarding those old messages will help you keep your wellbeing in tabs. Find out how these could be affecting your life today. Often we neglect the phone and all the text build up. Especially iPhone messages stopped coming in once too full.

Clear out regular and be mindful of what you keep. Take screen shots and then delete….


The night the Dr. Wayne Dyer changed my life. Magic happens in all kinds of ways, including dreams. While I was fortunate to see Wayne some time before this night, but who would have thought that closure was a form of appearing to me in my dream. Hence healing comes in many ways, we don't always have control over thing that takes place. While I’m personally a big believer in magic happens and this motto stuck with me from that moment. Seriously. Enjoy.