
Welcome to my blog. I document my journey in healing, life lessons and children’s stories. Hope you have a nice stay!



On this day BLOG.jpg

On this day

I had

No idea

I was going 

To end up 

On a river – punting…

Cambridge, England 

Really this was the most magical day of my life and how we need to trust when we least expect it. While I was more interested in taking photos of the area, I was hurried along every time. 

Then when we arrived to the location and my eyes peered down to these flat bottom boats saddled up against the jetty. I had no idea what I was looking at. The sun was dipping down on this early autumn day in the old world of Cambridge, England. 

Hence once we embarked and the soft flowing of the water drifted past it wasn’t long that I was in awe of the large building built back not far from the rivers edge. The golden hour was basking upon those historical walls that seemed so awfully familiar. 

I was now sailing past what is known as the King and Queen colleges (Also known as Universities). My hands were that held my pentax camera was whizzing around capturing the magical moments of the red autumn leaves that hung on the glory vines. 

Snap snap snap…as we glided under the remaining bridge that Hilter did not bomb. The remarkable detail of the ‘Bridge of Sigh’ was outstanding to anything like home (Australia). 

 Although the whole day had moments where I felt like I had been there before, or a strong knowing that I had connections to the township of Ely and the Cambridge University. 

In fact it was until a few years later I made contact with an extended family member and received research that I had paternal ancestors that had been involved in the church at Ely. And Professors that taught at the Cambridge University campus very early on. 

I guess we truly do need to be open and trust that we will eventually discover the truth to everything we do in life!


The time has come. 



Post written circa 26th January 2014, 22nd June 2020