
Welcome to my blog. I document my journey in healing, life lessons and children’s stories. Hope you have a nice stay!



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Who loves decluttering?

I do. 

Actually it’s a healthy way to move forward. The process of decluttering clears your home and life of old stagnant energy and allows room for fresh, new and higher vibrating energy to come your way.

I had always had de-cluttering fits as I called them for years but until I began Reiki I had no idea of what was happening. Now I love the thrill of pulling everything out of the cupboard to moving things around the room.

Nowadays I get particular vibes on what must go via messages in my head or sense a certain room in the house that is drawing me towards it. Some days – it’s just a quick tossing fit of food in the fridge and scrubbing the kitchen clean. Other times it’s the bedroom where I need to wash everything from the clothes in the cupboard to the bedding items.

I’m often ‘shown’ images in my mind of what has to go and where I can buy the next piece of furniture or clothing item.

Eventually you get your belongings down to a more simplified lifestyle and only able to hold certain items that are being used or perhaps down to a bedroom size if you are sharing a home or down to a suit case if you really want to be clutter free.

It really depends on where you are in life and how we need to make the right choices for the environment too.

Gone are the days of a needy wardrobe full of clothes that don’t fit or that crystal cabinet of ornaments you don’t like!

Many associate decluttering with the old fashion term ‘spring clean.’ When really you can declutter any time of the day or year.

It’s really more an energy thing.

The less clutter we have.

The freer your mind.


It’s that simple.


Post written 3rd November, 2013, 30th December, 2018