
Welcome to my blog. I document my journey in healing, life lessons and children’s stories. Hope you have a nice stay!

When things dont go as planned BLOG.jpg

There are times in our lives when things don’t go as planned and we tend to push our goals aside. But back in 2105 was an important year for focusing on yourself. because by doing so, you will now lead by example for others to follow. 

Although there are many times when I got frustrated and wanted to throw the laptop out the window. But lucky for You Tube I was able to move past my issues with working on my computer with helpful videos on ‘how’ to something for me to learn to bring my goals closer.

Whenever you are losing focus or faith that things aren’t happening ‘fast enough’ for you, just stop and take a look at what you can do to change that situation. 

May it be take a course? 

Join a club? 

Try a retreat or find a healing modality that suits your interests? 

How do you manage to stay focused? 


You will eventually get to the point where you just don’t share your movements as I had found, especially in the first month of 2020, that whenever I mentioned my plans for the next day…they got changed. 

It’s never intentional.

 Things some times just don’t go as planned. That’s why it’s important to keep the information to yourself in this new energy and let the events unfold. 

Likewise, it does pay to respect others and inform them if you are intending to go away! Then the remaining party can get things done that may make life a little uncomfortable in daily life all together.

That’s why I love Reiki as it constantly helps me make changes to my every day routine to make my life and those around me. FLOW. Because I listen to my divine guidance, I’m the most likely one to make the changes than the one who’s not listening. 

When things don’t as planned, we need to reconsider what the hidden message was and find the real ‘plan’ spirit had in mind for us. Perhaps it was to spend time with a different person or travel to a new location and explore new territory instead. 

Like always, tune in as I have done for many years of others cancelling plans and now I just check in to what I’m really meant to be doing and not waste time trying to figure out why the original plan did not work!

Only in time, it will reveal itself. 

Post written circa 22nd March 2015, 26th January 2020, 3rd February 2020