
Welcome to my blog. I document my journey in healing, life lessons and children’s stories. Hope you have a nice stay!

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Change is a funny thing. Some love it.  Others run from it. Most fit in between. 

Many times the doorway to change is waiting for you to make that move and go forth. There is about to be lots of changes for me in the work environment in the coming weeks and long over due. 

 When we are facing change unexpectedly, we need to face it, and look at what it is showing us. May be you are holding on to an old life pattern that needs to go. 

 So, let it be. 

 Rewind back to 2015…

As we are nearing the first of the two eclipses the first of the flood gates will open then close on the second eclipse. Lots of challenges for us all in between. Eclipses are great way to make changes and go within, a change will happen either way. You may as well go with the flow.

And to be honest I loved the last one around the same time last year. Get ready, because the doorway to change is waiting for you. 


Fast forward to 2020 and these eclipses are getting more powerful each time around. Hence the energy is now faster than ever, it’s a vital time to anchor what is coming/showing up for you each day. 

Change is a funny thing and I love how a team of people at work can go through them at different times. Lets say most go through it before the end of the year where you may find one co-worker doing their clean out in the new year. 

Well, we all get there in the end, some take longer to let go of things especially if they are not intuitive enough to just look at something like a shelf and ‘know’ that stuff needs go…

 The most difficult change is when you are getting close to leaving a job, home or relationship as things simply fall apart. I’ve found at work, that situations get harder like relocation of daily items or an increase in the workload and no help! Then on the home front I’ve know it’s time to go when my car space on the street starts to be taken….crazy I know. 

Change is unavoidable and the best we can do is roll with it.

Either way, it’s now for the best of our interest.

In the long term.

Post written circa 8th March 2015, 26th January 2020